Friday, February 04, 2005

Harry's concert's tonight!

One of my favorite performers, and I totally forgot that his concert would be tonight, and the show's already sold out! Harry's last concert at the Malaysian Philharmonic is tomorrow night, which I won't be able to go to either since it's sold out. But I wonder if he's staying at the Mandarin... cos that's right next door to the mpo, and maybe I can sneak a peak. But what I really want is to actually see him perform, 'cos he's a great performer you know, even with that new funk jazz that he's got out. I should have bought those tickets even if they do almost cost RM300 a piece! aiyah... a good chance wasted...

One week into my new job, and I still don't think I've got the hang of it. Nor the lady with the stinky breath that's trying to train me. I feel so bad about it. Each time she's leaning in to explain to me something, I find myself automatically leaning away from her. Sometimes I even try to cover my nose with my hands subtly... sometimes I cover my nose and mouth with my pashmina trying to seem playful, but actually trying to inhale that lovely wooly pashmina smell. Poor thing, she doesn't know her breath stinks, and she's a vegetarian somemore... so how did it get to stink so bad I wonder?

Anyway, next week is Chinese New Year, and I'm looking forward to being in the office almost alone. There's only like a few malay ppl in there... the rest of them Chinese, with my boss who's Danish. I'm looking forward to exploring the place in privacy and making myself a cup of milo in the pantry... cos I'm too shy to like ask ppl where the milo is, so at least with no one around I can just open all the cupboards and find it myself... and I even thought of coming in on Saturday to like catch up on updating the invoices... cos that's my job now... hehehe... damn... i still can't believe i'm missing Harry's Connick Jr's show!

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