Monday, December 05, 2005

"Horror" weekend

Whew... my parents are visiting me from Aussie, and they arrived Saturday night. I spent the entire Saturday morning cleaning my apartment up and down, and when my mum arrived she still said my house was "untidy".

"What's so untidy about it?" I asked her.
"There's still things to susun-susun," she said.
I looked around and seeing as I have almost zero decorative items in my living room, and absolutely nothing to rearrange, I asked her, "What else is there to susun? I don't even own anything for me to susun!"
And she just said, "Got..."
I still have no idea what she's talking about.

Then on Sunday morning, they woke up at 4 am and made a lot of noise, which woke me up. It's because in Australia, it would already be 7 am, and time for them to eat breakfast. So I heard them banging pots and pans, opening and shutting drawers in my kitchen... and putting on the tv really loud... which cut my sleeping time short. But I managed to go back to sleep, but I finally woke up when I heard my mother commenting to my father right outside my bedroom door, "Let's wake her up and tell her we're hungry for breakfast" when it was just 6.50 am.

Man. So I dragged myself out of bed at 7. We left the house at 8 am, and I only reached home at 7.30 pm that evening. But I told my parents they could take the car, so they just dropped my tired self and continued on to KL til 11.30 pm. My parents are like the kids I never had. Thank God they're "checking out" of my place this morning and checking into their hotel room at the Regent. Finally I can get some rest!