Friday, September 02, 2005

Two days after Merdeka

My merdeka was fun. I did nothing but sleep all day. Yeah. That's the life. Merdeka night itself was okay too. I was at home and I could see fireworks from four different places from my balcony. Quite cool. I received this sms on my phone from a dear dear friend of mine. Don't get me wrong, I adore her! But she is a staunch member of Puteri UMNO and I had mixed feelings about the message she sent me, which said: "Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan. Keranamu Malaysia."

It was the 'Keranamu Malaysia' that got to me. That is the cheesiest thing to say, even if you're trying to be patriotic. I can think of so many other ways of being patriotic and not have to say 'Keranamu Malaysia'. It so turned me off that I didn't reply, which was really bad of me. Oh well.

Today I'm meant to be all energetic, because my counterpart in Johor is coming up to KL for a meeting. Well, she's not really my counterpart, she's just someone whose job description is quite close to mine and we have to liase with each other a lot. I'm meant to take her out for lunch and everything. I really don't know where to bring her except Subang Parade (the mall next to my office). But I'm just not in the mood. In fact, I'm really tired, and I thought of taking MC because I can feel a fever coming up.

Ugh, listening to myself makes me realise that I'm such a party pooper!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Good weekend

I think I had a good weekend. Well good enough. But there was an Italian restaurant that I really liked and I wanted to have dinner there on Saturday night, but didn't get to. Instead we went to this other one at One Utama, Italiannies, it was okay. But not that great. But come to think of it, I wouldn't really go there again, unless I was really hungry. For the price, it's not worth it.

But I still can't shake off this feeling of exhaustion which I still have in my shoulders and in my back. It's fatigue from moving house, packing and unpacking, and shopping for household goods and appliances... it's so tiring. I've just put up the curtains to my bedroom last Saturday. And I still haven't finished unpacking, so I'm so tired. And I just want to sleep! For a long long time.

So maybe I'll take leave on Friday. Let me think about it.

Wednesday is Merdeka. I'm not really in the Merdeka mood. And I don't really think there is such a thing as the bangsa Malaysia... not just yet at least. How can you have a bangsa Malaysia with racially segregated political parties? That's just nuts. But anyway, until 2020... who knows.