Saturday, March 12, 2005


Now I'm pretty sure I'm not eligible for income tax, but this year (for 2004 that is) everyone has to submit an income tax self-assessment form to the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (Inland Revenue Board), and our HR department had a 2 hour training session for us on tax, so I was so excited, I went online and downloaded the "reference only" copies of the self-assessment forms to practice. Yeah, I love filling up forms or surveys. But this is the first time I've ever done any income tax calculations, and they were telling me that by the end of it, since my gaji is so low, I'd get a negative figure (meaning that I owe no taxes), so you know, I was keen to see how this negative figure looked like, but I'm having trouble just finding it cos I realised my employer never gave me the Form EA.

So I pretty much am not able to move on with my calculations cos I don't even have a Form EA. The form that breaks your salary down for you. Your employer is meant to provide it. Funny, even when I worked at the bank they never showed me my Form EA. Oh well.

But our HR dept was saying that this year, everyone has to declare their income, because it will be done on a self-assessment basis. And that the LHDN is starting a new database, and it's good to declare your income no matter how untaxable it is. So I was like gearing and ready to go, after having worked for one year. Hehehe. Only one year. So pathetic. I'm so ready to be a good citizen and all... but now I can't even fill up the forms cos I don't have my Form EA. Or whatever. Oh well... some other time then.

1 comment:

Muddy said...

This year, I am to declare myself and pay taxes. But, sera sera, my mom's accountant is doing it for me. Do I still feel like a kid? Yesiree!