Saturday, February 26, 2005


I'm exhausted! sheeh. Today was the first day I went to the office on a Saturday. The first day I ever had to (or even wanted to) go to work on a Saturday. I'm not required to you know. But I went. Just to help the almost dire situation that I am in at work. To decrease my ever increasing workload so that when Monday comes I won't be so overwhelmed. I only stayed at the office for about four hours, but what made it even more tiring was the traffic jam I was stuck in just getting there! Aiyoh. Traffic jams are the worst, they can suck all the energy from you without even trying.

Then, to top it all off, once I got home, I wasn't able to sleep! It was like 4 or 5 in the afternoon when I arrived home, and I was exhausted, but couldn't sleep. Why? Cos I was worried about my sayang, who wasn't feeling too well and who just crashed onto my bed. He was out like a light in a matter of seconds. I on the other hand, went upstairs to watch tv and tried to sleep, but failed.

So now it's past dinner time, and I am still exhausted. I took a shower to wake me up and cool my body down a bit, but I am still feeling exhausted. I should go to sleep, but it's too freakin hot. Yes, with all this haze, it makes things worse! But I did manage to decrease the pile of invoices I had to key in by about 98%. Yay!! Now all I have to do is just the other huge pile of petty cash reimbursements. Argh! Life just sucks sometimes, doesn't it? Especially when you don't have a good book to read to wind down the day...

And do you notice I haven't been able to update this thing on weekdays at all? That is how bogged down I am by work!! Argh. We are all becoming slaves. I'm letting myself become a slave. That is such a frightening thought.

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